Student Attendance

Hi All,

After working here for 2 months, I have found it wonderful getting to know our students and their families. Sadly, sometimes I don’t get to know all our students because they are away and I don’t know why. Attendance at school is very important for your child. Our vision at Sirius College: “To nurture resilient individuals with the wide range of skills, interests and attributes necessary to become tomorrow’s leaders who are able to respond successfully to challenges in the global world.” This cannot be achieved if your child does not attend school. I understand that some things cannot be helped, like when your child is sick, but please let me know if that is the case. I love meeting new people and would really like to get to know you and your child. So if, for any reason, your child cannot attend school, please give me a call on (03) 5858 8200 and we will ensure that everything is well documented and that your child is not missing out on the school experiences where/if possible.


If you wish to buy uniform for your child, you need to make full payment at Reception before being given the uniform. The school only accepts orders from parents, not students, unless the parent has sent a signed note of the order with their child. Uniform prices are set by the supplier, not the school. There is no bargaining on the price and no discounts. In regards to availability, parents need to contact Reception. Sometimes we are out of stock and they need to be ordered from our supplier in Melbourne. This may take up to two weeks to get to our campus. Pre-orders can be made, as long as full payment is made on the same day you order. If you have any further questions in regards to uniform, contact Reception on (03) 5858 8200.

Kind Regards,
Miss Jahla North